



  • 發佈日期: 2021-08-01
  • 最後更新日: 2023-04-21
  • 資料來源:
  • 瀏覽人次:9764

范世榮 博士

  • 職稱: 助理教授
  • 學歷: EMBL and University of Heidelberg
  • 專長: 細胞生物學、微環境營養感知、癌症生物學、分子生物學、RNA生物學
  • 信箱: sjfan@cc.ncu.edu.tw
  • 分機: 65088、65098
‧ 學歷:

1.  EMBL and University of Heidelberg 生物學 博士 (2005-2009

2.  國立台灣大學 動物學 碩士 (1999-2001

3.  國立台灣大學 動物學 學士 (1995-1999

‧  經歷:

1.     Assistant professor, Department of Life Sciences, National Central University, Taiwan (2021-present)

2.     Postdoctoral Scientist funded by Cancer Research UK (CRUK) in the laboratory of Prof. Deborah Goberdhan at the University of Oxford, United Kingdom. 20172021

3.     Postdoctoral Scientist funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) in the laboratories of Prof. Clive Wilson and Prof. Deborah Goberdhan at the University of Oxford, United Kingdom.20142017

4.     Postdoctoral Scientist funded by the Wellcome Trust in the laboratories of Prof. Clive Wilson and Prof. Deborah Goberdhan at the University of Oxford, United Kingdom.20112014

5.     Postdoctoral Visiting Scientist in the laboratory of Dr. Anne Ephrussi at the EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany.20102011

6.     Short-term Postdoctoral Fellow in the laboratory of Dr. Anne Ephrussi at the EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany.20092010

7.     Postgraduate Research Assistant in the laboratory of Dr. Eminy Lee at the Institute of Biomedical Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan20042005

8.     Postgraduate Research Assistant in the laboratory of Prof. Tze-Bin Chou at the Institute of Zoology, National Taiwan University, Taiwan20012002

1.  Exosome biology
2.  Amino acid sensing of mTORC1 signalling
3.  mRNA regulation


Marie P*, Fan SJ*, Mason J, Wells A, Mendes C, Wainwright M, Scott S, Fischer R, Harris A, Wilson C, Goberdhan DC. (2023) Accessory ESCRT-III proteins are conserved and selective regulators of Rab11a-exosome formation. Journal of Extracellular Vesicles. 12(3):e12311.

*contributed equally to this paper



Wainwright M, Hopkins BR, Mendes CC, Sekar A, Kroeger B, Hellberg JEEU, Fan SJ, Pavey A, Marie P, Leiblich A, Sepil I, Charles PD, Thezenas ML, Fischer R, Kessler BM, Gandy C, Corrigan L, Patel R, Wigby S, Morrisa JF, Goberdhan DC, Wilson C. (2020) Drosophila Sex Peptide controls the assembly of lipid microcarriers in seminal fluid. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 118(5): e2019622118.



Fan SJ*, Kroeger B*, Marie P, Bridges E, Mason J, McCormick K, Zois C, Sheldon H, Alham NK, Johnson EL, Ellis M, Stefana I, Mendes CC, Wainwright M, Cunningham C, Hamdy F, Morris F, Harris A, Wilson C, Goberdhan DC. (2020) Glutamine Deprivation Regulates the Origin and Function of Cancer Cell Exosomes. EMBO Journal. 39:e103009.

*contributed equally to this paper

**This paper was reviewed by van Niel G and Théry C. (2020) Extracellular vesicles: eat glutamine and spit acidic bubbles. EMBO Journal. 39:e105119

***This paper was featured by VanHook AM (Senior Editor, Science Signaling) (2020) Flipping an exosome switch. Science Signaling.13(647): eabe5296



Morotti M, Zois CE, El-Ansari R, Craze ML, Rakha EA, Fan SJ, Valli A, Haider S, Goberdhan DC, Green AR & Harris AL. (2020) Increased expression of glutamine transporter SNAT2/SLC38A2 promotes glutamine dependence and oxidative stress resistance, and is associated with worse prognosis in triple-negative breast cancer. British Journal of Cancer. PMID: 33028955 DOI: 10.1038/s41416-020-01113-y



Fan SJ, Goberdhan DC. (2018) PATs and SNATs: Amino Acid Sensors in Disguise. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 19;9:640



Redhai S, Hellberg JE, Wainwright M, Perera SW, Castellanos F, Kroeger B, Gandy C, Leiblich A, Corrigan L, Hilton T, Patel B, Fan SJ, Hamdy F, Goberdhan DC, Wilson C. (2016) Regulation of dense-core granule replenishment by autocrine BMP signalling in Drosophila secondary cells. PLoS Genetics. 11;12(10):e1006366



Fan SJ*, Snell C*, Turley H, Li JL, McCormick R, Perera SM, Heublein S, Kazi S, Azad A,Wilson C, Harris AL, Goberdhan DC. (2016). PAT4 levels control amino-acid sensitivity of rapamycin-resistant mTORC1 from the Golgi and affect clinical outcome in colorectal cancer. Oncogene. 35(23):3004-3015

*contributed equally to this paper



Mensah LB, Davison C, Fan SJ, Morris JF, Goberdhan DC, Wilson C (2015). Fine-tuning of PI3K/AKT signalling by the tumour suppressor PTEN is required for maintenance of flight muscle function and mitochondrial integrity in ageing adult Drosophila melanogaster. PloS One. 10(11):e0143818



Corrigan L, Redhai S, Leiblich A, Fan SJ, Perera SM, Patel R, Gandy C, Wainwright SM, Morris JF, Hamdy F, Goberdhan DC*, Wilson C* (2014). BMP-regulated exosomes from Drosophila male reproductive glands reprogram female behavior. Journal of Cell Biology. 206, 671-688. *contributed equally to this paper



Fan SJ, Marchand V, Ephrussi A (2011). Drosophila Ge-1 promotes P body formation and oskar mRNA localization. PLoS One. 6(5):e20612



Lin MD, Fan SJ, Hsu WS, Chou TB (2006). Drosophila decapping protein 1, dDcp1, is a component of the oskar mRNP complex and directs its posterior localization in the oocyte. Developmental Cell. 10(5):601-613.



Fan SR, Ho IC, Yeoh FL, Lin CJ, Lee TC (1996). Squalene inhibits sodium arsenite-induced sister chromatid exchanges and micronuclei in Chinese hamster ovary-K1 cells. Mutation Research. 368(3-4):165-169


1.     National Central University outstanding new teaching and research faculty award (2022)

2.     National Central University outstanding new teaching and research faculty award (2021)

3.     CRUK(Cancer Research UK)-Oxford annual conference post-doc award (2016)

4.     Four-year PhD study scholarship awarded from the EMBL and University of Heidelberg, Germany (2005-2009)

5.     Dr. Da-qui Chei and Song-yen Fong Memorial scholarship, Taiwan (2001)

6.     Award of the Dean of College of Science, National Taiwan University, Taiwan (1999)

7.     Research Creativity Award from the National Science Council, Taiwan (1999)

8.     Dr. Da-qui Chei and Song-yen Fong Memorial scholarship, Taiwan (1999)

9.     Scholarship for the Undergraduate Research Project, National Science Council, Taiwan (1998)

10.  Four-year scholarship for scientifically talented students, Ministry of Education, Taiwan (1995-1999)


1.     Member of The Chinese Physiological Society

2.     Member of Taiwan Society for Extracellular Vesicles








2023/01/16  Kayaking at the Sun Moon Lake (日月潭獨木舟)

2023/01/16  Exosome fun meeting  (南投信義鄉和社小木屋)

2023/01/17  mountain hiking (東埔山、麟趾山健行)

Weekly Badminton (每周羽球)
