



  • 發佈日期: 2019-08-28
  • 最後更新日: 2024-04-18
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  • 瀏覽人次:6970

葉靖輝 博士

  • 職稱: 教授
  • 學歷: Department of Botany, National Taiwan University.
  • 專長: 植物逆境生理學、蛋白質體學、植物組織培養、訊息傳遞
  • 信箱: yehch63@cc.ncu.edu.tw
  • 分機: 65068、65078
  • 現  職:
  1. 國立中央大學 生命科學系 教授
  • 學  歷:
  1. Department of Botany, National Taiwan University. PhD Degree. (1994.~1999)
  2. Department of Botany, National Taiwan University, B.S. Degree. (1983~1987)
  • 經  歷:
  1. Professor, Department of Life Science, National Central University (2022~Present)
  2. Associate Professor, Department of Life Science, National Central University (2015~2022)
  3. Assistant Professor, Department of Life Science, National Central University (2003~2015)
  4. Dr. Tuan-Hua David Ho’s Lab Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Biology, Washington University in St. Louis (2002~2003)
  5. Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Life Sciences, TzuChi University. (2001~2001)
  6. Dr. Chu-Yung Lin’s Lab Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Botany, National Taiwan University. (1999~2002)


授  課

  1. 普通生物學
  2. 植物學
  3. 題討論
  4. 高等植物生理學
  5. 專題研究植物生物化學
  6. 植物細胞培養技術
  7. 植物生理逆境
  8. 植物荷爾蒙
  9. 植物生長與發育
  10. 植物的基因轉型作用


植物因無法移動,因此需以不同於動物的方式適應各式各樣的環境逆境。由於溫室效應的影響地球的溫度變異越來越大,連帶使台灣整體氣候發生改變,四季溫差愈趨明顯,乾旱的問題亦伴隨而來,使得在田間栽種的農作物,皆有可能遭受到不同程度的熱、低溫或乾旱等環境逆境的傷害(Yeh et al., 2012)。當植物處於較高環境溫度時,除成熟的組織、種子或花粉能忍受此逆境外,高溫會使得大部分生長中的植物組織停止生長甚至死亡。根據現有高溫逆境產生效應時間區分,高溫誘導效應可分成早期反應(Early response)與晚期反應(Late response) (圖一)。早期反應:葉溫因環境高溫而迅速上昇,致使蒸散速率加快與水分散失增加、光合作用與呼吸作用效率降低、膜穩定度性下降和自由基大量累積;晚期反應:包括蛋白質變性量增加,誘導細胞保護分子合成量或累積量增加(如小分子量熱休克蛋白質與SOD等),降低細胞傷害。上述反應中,蒸散作用降溫與保護分子累積皆被視為減少細胞受熱逆境傷害的重要機制。

圖(一) 植物高溫逆境誘導效應。


第一部分: 探討水稻氣孔蒸散作用基因-OsRZFP34對水稻耐熱性及水稻產量的影響
利用寡核苷酸DNA微陣列篩到一個分別可受高溫及ABA誘導表現的水稻RING zinc-finger基因,命名為OsRZFP34。實驗發現其大量表現可在水稻中增加葉片氣孔的開闔程度,反之在降低表現量的突變株中,正常情況下葉片氣孔開闔程度即有明顯減少情形。熱逆境下,OsRZFP34大量表現轉植株較野生型植株具有較高降溫效果與蒸散速率(圖二)。進一步研究顯示OsRZFP34可調控保衛細胞中鈣離子濃度,影響水稻氣孔蒸散作用。現正分析OsRZFP34表現對水稻產量的影響。

() 水稻野生型(WT)OsRZFP34過量表現型(OsOE1, OsOE2, OsOE3)OsRZFP34缺失表現型(osrzfp34)高溫下葉溫分析

第二部分: 分析小分子量熱休克蛋白質基因-OsHSP16.9A生理功能
小分子量熱休克蛋白質普遍存在於原核與真核生物中,它們被視為與生物耐熱性有密切關聯性。為研究水稻小分子量熱休克蛋白質OsHSP16.9A的生理功能,我們建立OsHSP16.9A大量表現(OsHSP16.9A-OE)和降低表現(OsHSP16.9A-i)的水稻轉殖株。水稻性狀分析發現OsHSP16.9A過量表現可降低水稻種子的白堊質發生情形,提高水稻種子、幼苗和花粉耐熱性 (圖三)。此顯示OsHSP16.9A與水稻在高溫下的耐熱性及白堊質有密切關係。

() 野生型水稻(TNG67)OsHSP16.9A過量表現水稻轉殖株(Oshsp16.9A-OE)OsHSP16.9A缺失表現水稻轉殖株(Oshsp16.9A-RNAi)與小分子量熱休克蛋白質缺失表現水稻轉殖株(Oshsp-RNAi)分析


  • 2015/08/01~2018/07/31
    Grant: NTD 3,360,000
    OsRZFP34參與之蒸散作用與其在水稻耐熱性角色之研究 (MOST 104-2313-B-008-001-MY3) 主持人
  • 2014/08/01~2015/07/31
    Grant: NTD 1,080,000
    受熱與ABA誘導表現之水稻RING zinc-finger蛋白質基因OsRZFP34生理功能分析 (NSC 103-2313-B-008-001-) 主持人
  • 2013.08.01 ~ 2014.07.31
    Grant: NTD 880,000
    環境逆境下水稻熱休克轉錄因子差異性調控機制分析 (NSC 102-2313-B-008-001-) 主持人
  • 2012.08.01 ~ 2013.12.31
    Grant: NTD 800,000
    改善水稻耐熱性並降低穀粒白堊質技術之開發-〈子計畫三〉熱誘導蛋白質與水稻稔實率、白堊質關聯性之研究 (NSC 101-2324-B-008-002-) 主持人
  • 2012.08.01 ~ 2013.07.31
    Grant: NTD 850,000
    逆境下水稻熱休克轉錄因子差異性誘導機制分析 (NSC 101-2313-B-008-001-) 主持人
  • 2010.08.01 ~ 2012.07.31
    Grant: NTD 2,400,000
    水稻耐高溫逆境突變株之篩選、建立與應用 (NSC 99-2324-B-008-002-MY2) 主持人


Refereed papers

  1. Tseng TS, Yeh KW, Yeh CH, Chang FC, Chen YM and Lin CY (1992) Two rice (Oryza sativa) full length cDNA clones encoding low-molecular-weight heat shock proteins. Plant Molecular Biology 18: 963-965. (SCI)

  2.   Tseng TS, Tzeng SS, Yeh KW, Yeh CH, Chang FC, Chen YM and Lin CY (1993) Heat shock responses in rice seedlings: Isolation and expression of cDNA encoding class I low-molecular-weight heat-shock proteins. Plant Cell Physiol. 34, 165-168. (SCI)

  3. Jinn TL, Wu SH, Yeh CH, Hsieh MH, Yeh YC, Chen YM and Lin CY (1993) Immunological kinship of class I low-molecular-mass heat shock proteins and thermostabilization of soluble proteins in vitro among plants. Plant Cell Physiol. 34, 1055-1062. (SCI)

  4. Yeh KW, Jinn TL, Yeh CH, Chen YM and Lin CY (1994) Plant low-molecular-mass heat –shock proteins: their relationships to the acquisition of thermotolerance in plants. Biotechnol. Appl. Biochem. 19, 41-49. (SCI)

  5. Yeh CH, Chang PFL, Yeh KW, Lin WC, Chen YM and Lin CY (1997) Expression of a gene encoding a 16.9 kDa heat-shock protein, Oshsp16.9, in Escherichia coli enhances thermotolerance. Proc. Natl. Sci. USA 94: 10967-10972. (SCI) (first author)

  6. Yeh CH, Chang PFL, Yeh KW, Lin WC, Chen YM and Lin CY (1997) Expression of a gene encoding a 16.9 kDa heat-shock protein, Oshsp16.9, in Escherichia coli enhances thermotolerance. Proc. Natl. Sci. USA 94: 10967-10972. (SCI) (first author)

  7. Young LS, Yeh CH, Chen YM and Lin CY (1999) Molecular characterization of Oryza sativa 16.9 kDa heat shock protein. Biochemical J. 344, 31-38. (SCI)

  8. Chiung YM, Lin BL, Yeh CH and Lin CY (2000) Heat shock protein (hsp 70)-related epitopes are common allergenic determinants for barley and corn antigens. Electrophoresis 21, 297-300.

  9. Yeh CH, Chen YM and Lin CY (2002) Functional regions of rice heat shock protein, Oshsp16.9, required for conferring thermotolerance in Escherichia coli. Plant Physiol 128, 661-668. (SCI) (first author)

  10. Guan JC, Jinn TL, Yeh CH, Feng SP, Chen YM, and Lin CY. Characterization of the genomic structures and selective expression profiles of nine class I small heat shock protein genes clustered on two chromosomes in rice (Oryza sativa L.) Plant Molecular Biology. 2004; 56: 795-809. (SCI)

  11. Lee CF, Pu HY, Wang LC, Sayler RJ, Yeh CH, and Wu SJ* (2006) Mutation in a homolog of yeast Vps53p accounts for the heat and osmotic hypersensitive phenotypes in Arabidopsis hit1-1 mutant. Planta 224: 330-338. (SCI)

  12. Yeh CH, Wu SJ, Chen HY, and Lin CY (2007) Physiological effects of azetidine on cellular leakage in soybean seedlings. Plant Science 171: 1124-1130. (SCI) (first author)

  13. Wang LC, Yeh CH, Sayler RJ, Lee YY, Lu CA, and Wu SJ* (2008) Arabidopsis HIT1, a putative homolog of yeast tethering protein Vps53p, is required for pollen tube elongation. Botanical bulletin of Academia Sinica 49:25-32 (SCI)

  14. Guan JC, Yeh CH*, Lin YP, Ke YT, Chen MT, You JW, Liu YH, Lu CA, Wu SJ, and Lin CY* (2010) A 9 bp cis-element in the promoters of class I small heat shock protein genes on chromosome 3 in rice mediates L-azetidine-2-carboxylic acid and heat shock responses. Journal of Experimental Botany 61, 4249–4261 (SCI) (first author & corresponding author)

  15. Huang CK, Huang LF, Huang JJ, Wu SJ, Yeh CH, and Lu CA* (2010) A DEAD-box protein, AtRH36, is essential for female gametophyte development and is involved in rRNA biogenesis in Arabidopsis. Plant and Cell Physiology 51, 694-706.

  16. Wu SJ, Wang LC, Yeh CH, Lu CA, and Wu SJ* (2010) Isolation and characterization of the Arabidopsis heat-intolerant 2 (hit2) mutant reveal the essential role of the nuclear export receptor EXPORTIN1A (XPO1A) in plant heat tolerance. New Phytologist 186, 833-842.

  17. Wang LC, Tsai MC, Chang KY, Fan YS, Yeh CH, and Wu SJ* (2011) Involvement of the Arabidopsis HIT1/AtVPS53 tethering protein homologue in the acclimation of the plasma membrane to heat stress. Journal of Experimental Botany 62, 3609-3620.
  18. Wang WK, Chia-Chin Liu, Chiang TY, Ming-Tse Chen, Chou CH, and Yeh CH* (2011) Characterization of expressed sequence tags from flower buds of alpine Lilium formosanum using a Subtractive cDNA Library. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 29, 88-97. (SCI) (corresponding author)
  19. Yeh CH, Kaplinsky NJ, Hu C, and Charng YY* (2012) Some like it hot, some like it warm: Phenotyping to explore thermotolerance diversity. Plant Science 195, 10-23. (SCI) (first author)
  20. Wang LC, Wu JR, Chang WL, Yeh CH, Ke YT, Lu CA, and Wu SJ* (2013) Arabidopsis HIT4 encodes a novel chromocentre-localized protein involved in the heat reactivation of transcriptionally silent loci and is essential for heat tolerance in plants. Journal of Experimental Botany 64, 1689-1701.
  21. Wu TM, Lin WR, Kao YT, Hsu YT, Yeh CH, Hong CY*, and Kao CH (2013) Identification and characterization of a novel chloroplast/mitochondria co-localized glutathione reductase 3 involved in salt stress response in rice. Plant Molecular Biology 83, 379-390.
  22. Hsu KH, Liu CC, Wu SJ, Kuo YY, Lu CA, Wu CR, Lian PJ, Hong CY, Ke YT, Huang JH, and Yeh CH* (2014) Expression of a gene encoding a rice RING zinc‑finger protein, OsRZFP34, enhances stomata opening. Plant Molecular Biology 86, 125-137. (corresponding author)
  23. Chou WL, Huang LF, Fang JC, Yeh CH, Hong CY, Wu SJ, and Lu CA* (2014) Divergence of the expression and subcellular localization of CCR4‑associated factor 1 (CAF1) deadenylase proteins in Oryza sativa. Plant Molecular Biology 85, 443-458.
  24. Huang CK, Lo PC, Huang LF, Wu SJ, Yeh CH, and Lu CA* (2015) A single‑repeat MYB transcription repressor, MYBH, participates in regulation of leaf senescence in Arabidopsis Plant Molecular Biology 88, 269–286
  25. Huang CK, Shen YL, Huang LF, Wu SJ, Yeh CH, and Lu CA* (2016) A single-repeat MYB transcription represor, The DEAD-box RNA helicase AtRH7/PRH75 participates in pre-rRNA processing, plant development and cold tolerance in Arabidopsis. Plant and Cell Physiology 57:174-191.
  26. Ke YT, Lu CA, Wu SJ, and Yeh CH* (2016) Characterization of rice group 3 LEA genes in developmental stages and under abiotic stress. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 34:1003-1015. (corresponding author)
  27. Wu JR, Wang LC, Lin YR, Weng CP, and Yeh CH, Wu SJ.* (2017) The Arabidopsis heat-intolerant 5 (hit5)/enhanced response to aba 1 (era1) mutant reveals the crucial role of protein farnesylation in plant responses to heat stress. New Phytologist 213:1181-1193.
  28. Lin KF, Tsai MY, Lu CA, Wu SJ, and Yeh CH* (2018) The roles of Arabidopsis HSFA2, HSFA4a, and HSFA7a in the heat shock response and cytosolic protein response. Botanical Studies 59:15. (SCIE; IF=3.4; 69/238 Plant Sciences) (corresponding author)
  29. Lin KF, Hsu JY, Hsieh DL, Tsai MJ, and Yeh CH*, Chen CY. (2019) Crystal structure of the programmed cell death 5 protein from Sulfolobus solfataricus. Acta Crystallographica Section F 75: 73-79. (SCIE; IF=0.9; 275/285 BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY) (corresponding author)
  30. Ke YT, Lin KF, Gu CH, and Yeh CH* (2020) Molecular characterization and expression profile of PaCOL1, a CONSTANS-like gene in Phalaenopsis orchid. Plants 9:68. (SCIE; IF=4.5; 43/238 Plant Sciences) (corresponding author)
  31. Wang TY , Wu JR, Duong NKT, Lu CA, Yeh CH, and Wu SJ* (2021) HSP70-4 and farnesylated AtJ3 constitute a specific HSP70/HSP40-based chaperone machinery essential for prolonged heat stress tolerance in Arabidopsis. Journal of Plant Physiology 261: 153430. (SCIE; IF=4.3; 46/238 Plant Sciences)
  32. Liu YH, Tseng TS, Wu CR, Cho ST, Kuo CH, Huang XJ, Cheng JY, Hsu KH, Lin KF, Liu CC, and Yeh CH* (2023) Rice OsHsp16.9A interacts with OsHsp101 to confer thermotolerance. Plant Science 330: 111634. (SCI; IF=5.2; 32/238 Plant Sciences) (corresponding author)
  33. Tseng TS, Rajendran, SK, Liu YH, Wu SJ, Lu CA, and Yeh CH* (2023) Overexpression of OsHsp 18.0 in rice enhanced tolerance to heavy metal stress. Plant Cell Reports 42: 1841-1843. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00299-023-03063-0. (SCIE; IF=6.2; 24/238 Plant Sciences) (corresponding author)
  34. Wu JR, Zohra R, Duong TNK, Yeh CH, Lu CA, and Wu SJ* (2023) A plant protein farnesylation system in prokaryotic cells reveals Arabidopsis AtJ3 produced and farnesylated in E. coli maintains its function of protecting proteins from heat inactivation. Plant Methods 19: 113. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13007-023-01087-x. (SCIE; IF=5.1; 33/238 Plant Sciences) 


  1. Tseng TS, Tzeng SS, Yeh CH, Chen YM, and Lin CY (1990) Construction and screening of heat shock specific cDNA clones from rice seedlings. The Fifth Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences.
  2. Lin CY, Tseng TS, Yeh KW, Yeh CH, and Chen YM (1991) Isolation, characterization and sequence analysis of cDNA encoding 16-20 kDa low molecular weight heat shock protein of rice. Annular Meeting of the American Society of Plant Physiologists.
  3. Yeh CH, Yeh KW, Chen YM, and Lin CY (1992) The expression of rice LMW heat shock protein gene by recombinant pGEX-2T vector in E. coli. The Seventh Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences.
  4. Yeh CH, Ou TL, Yeh KW, Chen YM, and Lin CY (1993) Rice heat-shock protein can elevate the thermotolerance of E. coli. The Eighth Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences
  5. Jinn TL, Yeh CH, Chen CF, Chen YM, and Lin CY (1995) Chemical characterization of class I low molecular weight heat shock protein complex in plants. The Tenth Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences.
  6. Chiu CC, Yeh CH, Chen CF, Chen YM, and Lin CY (1996) Effect of amino acid analog, azetidine, on synthesis of class I LMW HSPs in soybean seedlings. Annular Meeting of the American Society of Plant Physiologists.
  7. Yeh CH, Chang PFL, Yeh KW, Chen YM, and Lin CY (1996) Expression of the rice pTS1 gene encoding 16.9 kDa heat shock protein in Escherichis coli. The 11th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences
  8. Yeh CH, Chang PFL, Yeh KW, Chen YM, and Lin CY (1996) Expression of rice gene encoding 16.9 kD heat shock protein in E. coli enhances thermotolerance. Annular Meeting of the American Society of Plant Physiologists.
  9. Yeh CH, Chang PFL, Lin WC, and Lin CY (1996) Functional analysis of Oshsp16.9 in E. coli: effect on thermotolerance. Fifth International Symposium on Rice molecular Biology.
  10. Young LS, Yeh CH, Chen YM, and Lin CY (1999) Molecular characterization of Oryza sativa 16.9 kDa heat shock protein. Annular Meeting of the American Society of Plant Physiologists.
  11. Yeh CH, Chen YM, and Lin CY (2001) Molecular analysis of the functional regions required for Oshsp16.9, a rice (Oryza sativa) class I low-molecular-mass heat shock protein, in relation to conferring thermotolerance. Annular Meeting of the American Society of Plant Physiologists.
  12. Yeh CH, Chen YM, and Lin CY (2001) Functional regions of rice (Oryza sativa) heat shock protein, Oshsp16.9, required for conferring thermotolerance in Escherichia coli. 2001 International Symposium on Plant Environment Interactions: Genes, Proteins, and Biotechnology.
  13. Yeh CH, Chiu CC, Chen HI, Chen YM, and Lin CY (2002) Physiological and Biochemical Analysis of Soybean (Glycine max) Small Heat Shock Proteins Induced by Azetidine-2-Carboxylic Acid. Annular Meeting of the American Society of Plant Physiologists.
  14. Yeh CH, Travis D and Ho THD (2003) Expression of HVA1, a barley group III LEA protein, in Saccharomyces cerevisiae confers salt resistance. Annular Meeting of the American Society of Plant Physiologists.
  15. Yeh CH, Wang , WK and Chiang, TY (2004) Molecular evolution and expression patterns of the hemoglobin family in Arabidopsis. Annular Meeting of the American Society of Plant Physiologists.
  16. Guan JC, You JW, Yeh CH, Jinn TL, and Lin CY (2006) A comprehensive analysis of rice small heat shock protein gene family. Annular Meeting of the American Society of Plant Physiologists.
  17. Yeh CH, Ting HM, and Ho TDH. Functional analysis of group 3 LEA proteins. 2006; Annular Meeting of the American Society of Plant Physiologists.
  18.  Lin YP, Chen MT, Yeh CH (2007) Characterization of an azatidine responsive element on promoter of rice class I small heat shock protein genes. Annular Conference of Biomedical Sciences.
  19. Yeh CH, Lin, YP, and Chen MT (2007) Characterization of a chemical responsive element on promoter of rice class I small heat shock protein genes. Annular Meeting of the American Society of Plant Physiologists.
  20.  Lin, YP, Chen MT, Lin KF, and Yeh CH (2008) Understanding the mechanism of HS-like response induced by denatured protein. Annular Conference of Biomedical Sciences
  21. Chen MT, Lin, YP, Lin KF, and Yeh CH (2008) Regulation mechanism of Oshsp18.0 under treatment of L-azetidine-2-carboxylate and abiotic stresses. The 6th International Symposium of Rice Functional Genomics.
  22.  Ke YT and Yeh CH (2008) Characterization of rice group 3 LEA gene expression in development stages and stresses. The 6th International Symposium of Rice Functional Genomics.
  23. Hsu KH and Yeh CH (2009) Physiological function assay of a heat- and abscisic acid-responsive rice gene, Os01g0719100. Annular Conference of Biomedical Sciences.
  24. Yeh CH and Ke YT (2009) Characterization of rice group 3 late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) genes expression during development stages and stresses. Annular Meeting of the American Society of Plant Physiologists.
  25. Yeh CH, Hsu KH, and Kuo YY (2010) Physiological function assay of a heat- and abscisic acid-regulated gene, OsRZFP1. Annular Meeting of the American Society of Plant Physiologists.
  26. Yeh CH, Hsu KH, and Kuo YY (2011) A rice RING zinc finger protein OsRZFP34 plays an essential role on mediating stomatal opening under heat stress. Annular Meeting of the American Society of Plant Physiologists.
  27. Su SC, Wu CR, Yeh CH, and Huang LF (2012) Manipulation of transitory starch degradation to make starch-rich rice straw for biorefinery application. 10th International Congress on Plant Molecular Biology.
  28.  Ke YT, Gu CH, and Yeh CH (2012) Functional assay of the rice group 3 late embryogenesis abundant protein genes. 10th International Congress on Plant Molecular Biology.
  29. Gu CH and Yeh CH (2013) Characterization of the promoter of PaCOL1, a flowering-related gene in Phalaenopsis Aphrodite. Annular Meeting of the Botanical Society of Republic of China.
  30. Wu CR, Liu YH, and Yeh CH (2013) Expression of a small heat shock protein, Oshsp16.9A, enhances thermotolerance of rice seeds. Annular Meeting of the Botanical Society of Republic of China.
  31. Lian PJ, Wu CR, Hsu KH, and Yeh CH (2014) Analysis of the interaction between OsRZFP34, a rice RING zinc-finger protein, with its up-regulated protein. Annular Meeting of the Botanical Society of Republic of China.
  32. Wu CR, Liu YH, and Yeh CH (2014) Oshsp16.9A, a small heat shock protein can confer thermotolerance in rice seeds. Annular Meeting of the Botanical Society of Republic of China.
  33. Ke YT and Yeh CH (2014) Characterization of a CONSTANS-Like gene from Phalaenopsis aphrodite subsp. formosana, PaCOL1. Annular Meeting of the American Society of Plant Physiologists.
  34. Hsu KH, Lian PJ, Wu CR, and Yeh CH (2015) A rice RING zinc-finger protein, OsRZFP34, functions in transpiration cooling by mediating stomatal aperture under stress. 13th International Symposium on Rice Functional Genomics.
  35. Ke YT, Yeh CH (2015) Molecular characterization and expression profile of PaCOL1, a CONSTANS-Like gene in Phalaenopsis aphrodite subsp. Formosana. Annular Meeting of the Botanical Society of Republic of China.
  36. Cheng JY, Wu CR, Liu YH, Yeh CH (2015) Functional study of OsHSP16.9A in rice plant. Annular Meeting of the Botanical Society of Republic of China.
  37. Lin KF, Chen CY, Chang YC, Sokolova A, Gilbert E, Li WH, Yeh CH (2016) Study of dodecameric structure of the small heat shock protein 16.9A from Oryza sativa. 14th International Symposium on Rice Functional Genomics.
  38. Huang XJ, Lian PJ, Hsu KH, Yeh CH (2017) Analysis of the interaction between OsRZFP34, a rice RING zinc-finger protein, with its up-regulated proteins. 15th International Symposium on Rice Functional Genomics.
  39. yeh CH, Ke YT, Lu CA, Wu SJ (2017) Characterization of rice group 3 LEA genes in developmental stages and under abiotic stress. 2017 Photosynthesis and Plant Physiology (oral report).
  40.  Yeh CH, Lin KF, Chang YC, Sokolova A, Gilbert E, Li WH (2018) Dodecameric structure of a thermal stable rice class I small heat shock protein Oshsp16.9A. 2018海峽兩岸植物生理學與分子生物學研究與教學論壇 (oral report).
  41. Yeh CH (2019) Expression of a heat shock protein, Oshsp16.9A, enhances thermotolerance of rice seeds. Japan-Taiwan Plant Biology 2019 (oral report).
  42. Yeh CH, Liu YH, Cho ST, Kuo CH, Huang XJ, Cheng JY, Hsu KH (2019) Functional study of Oshsp16.9A and Oshsp18.0 in rice plants. The 17th International Symposium of Rice Functional Genomics (oral report).
  43. Yeh CH, Ke YT, Lin KF, Gu CH (2019) Molecular characterization and expression profile of PaCOL1, a CONSTANS-like gene in Phalaenopsis orchid. 2017 Photosynthesis and Plant Physiology (oral report).
  44. Yeh CH, Liu YH, Wu CR, Cho ST, Kuo CH, Huang XJ, Cheng JY, Hsu KH, Lin KF, Liu CC (2021) OsHsp16.9A and OsHsp18.0 differentially function with OsHsp101 to confer resistance to heat and heavy-metal stress in rice. 2021 年海峽兩岸植物生物學青年科學家論壇 (oral report).
  45. Yeh CH, Tseng TS, Liu YH, Wu CR, Cho ST, Kuo CH, Huang XJ, Cheng JY, Hsu KH, Lin KF, Liu CC (2023) OsHsp16.9A and OsHsp18.0 differentially function with OsHsp101 to confer resistance to heat and heavy-metal stress in rice. 2023 Annular Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists.
  46. Yeh CH (2023) Analysis for physiological function-structure of rice small HSPs. 2023海峽兩岸植物生物學與分子生物學研究與教學論壇 (oral report).
榮譽事項/ /專利

  • 1999 Dean of Science College Award, National Taiwan University



  1. 國立中央大學研究傑出獎


  1. 國立中央大學校教學優良獎












Method for enhancing thermotolerance of plant relating to EXPORTIN1A and genetic engineering applications thereof








  1. 中華植物學會
  2. 台灣中子學會

  • 博士後助理:林冠甫
  • 碩士班學生:黃信傑、梁佑德、陳韻竹
