Full-time Professors (Biomedicine)-Department of Life Sciences, NCU



Full-time Professors (Biomedicine)

  • Release: 2022-02-10
  • Update: 2024-04-22
  • Source:
  • Visits:1598

Dr. Ssu-Ching Chen

  • Job title: Distinguished Professor and Chairman
  • Education: U of Memphis Microbiology
  • Expertise: environmental medicine
  • mailbox: chensc512@gmail.com
  • Extension: 65073
  1. Position: Distinguished Professor and Chairman, Department of Life Sciences, NCU
  2. Education:
    1. U of Memphis, Microbiology, 1993.09~1997.06
    2. National Defense Colleage, Parasitology, 1986.09~1988.06
    3. China Medical College, Medical Technology, 1982.09~1986.07
  3. Professional Experience:
    1. 2022.08~present: Distinguished Professor and Chairman, Department of Life Sciences, NCU
    2. 2019~2020: Vice Dean, College of Health Sciences & Technology, NCU 
    3. 2018.09 ~present: Distinguished Professor, National Central University (Jung-li, Taiwan)
    4. 2011.09 ~present: Professor, National Central University (Jung-li, Taiwan)
    5. 2004.08 ~ 2011.08: National Kaohsiung Normal University   Department of Biotechnology, Professor.
    6. 2002.08 ~ 2004.07: China Medical University, Department of Medicine, subdivision of Microbiology, Associated Professor.
    7. 2001.02 ~ 2002.07: Fooyin University, Department of Medical Technology, Associated Professor.
    8. 1998.02 ~ 2001.01: Fooyin College, Department of Medical Technology, Assistant Professor.
    9. 1991.08 ~ 1993.07: Fooyin Junior College, Instructor.
    10. 1990.08 ~ 1991.07: National Taiwan University, Department of Medical Diagnosis, Medical Technologist.
  4. Current Position: 
    1. 8/2022~present: National Central University (Jhong-Li, Taiwan), Chairman of the Department of Life Science
    2. 2011.09 ~present: Professor, National Central University (Jung-li, Taiwan).
  5. Contact:886-3-422-7151 ext 65073
  6. FAX:(03) 422-8482
  7. E-mail:chensc512@gmail.com
  1. Azo dyes are the synthetic compounds, which are distributed in many industries. There are at least three thousands azo dyes in use. Their importance in coloring products brings us a bright color in our life. The major kinds of azo dyes can be divided into two categories. The first group can be dissolved into the water but the other can not. These dyes can be further metabolized into aromatic amines via the biotransformation of azoreductases in liver and/or digestive system. The genotoxicity of aromatic amines is well-known. However, the genotoxicity underlying mechanisms is not clear. We are particularly focused on the regulation of epigenetic mechanisms and /or other alteration of DNA damage signaling pathway.
  2. Bioremediation processes typically involve many different microbes acting in parallel or sequence to complete the degradation process. The ability of microbes to degrade a vast array of pollutants makes bioremediation a technology that can applied in different soil conditions. Bioremediation is accomplished either in situ or ex situIn situ remediation efforts focus on treating the contaminant at the polluted site. Ex situ remediation refers to the treatment of contaminated water or soil at an off site location. In such cases, soil and groundwater from the contaminated site are transported to a place (like a bioreactor), where conditions favorable for biological degradation can be controlled and enhanced.


  1. Heng-Dao Lin, Yi-Kuan Tseng, Chiou-Hwa Yuh, Ssu-Ching Chen (2022, Jan).
    Low concentrations of 4-ABP promote liver carcinogenesis in human liver cells
    and a zebrafish model. journal of hazardous materials, 423:126954. 本人為通訊

  2. Chih-Ming Kao · Ssu-Ching Chen · Zi-Yi Liao · Shu-Shiuan Wen · Chih-Ching
    Chien (2021, Nov). Characterization of two chromate reducing bacteria isolated
    from heavy metal contaminated soil. Biologia, 76:3909–3917.

  3. Eva Ari Wahyuni,Chien Yi Chen Huery Nuo Wu | Chih-Ching Chien Ssu-Ching
    Chen (2021, Aug). Propolis alleviates 4-aminobiphenyl-induced oxidative DNA
    damage by inhibition of CYP2E1 expression in human liver cells. Environmental
    Toxicolorgy, 36(8):1504-1513. 本人為通訊作者.

  4. S.G. Luo , C.C. Chien b, Y.T. Sheu F. Verpoort, S.C. Chen, C.M. Kao (2021,
    Aug). Enhanced bioremediation of trichloroethene-contaminated groundwater
    using modified g-PGA for continuous substrate supplement and pH control:
    Batch and pilot-scale studies. Journal of Cleaner Production, 278 : 123736.
    (SCI). 本人為通訊作者.

  5. W.H. Lin, C.C. Chien, C.W. Lu, Deyi Hou, Y.T. Sheu, S.C. Chen, C.M. Kao
    (2021, May). Growth inhibition of methanogens for the enhancement of TCE
    dechlorination. Science of the Total Environment. 本人為通訊作者.

  6. Eva Ari Wahyuni Heng-Dao Lin, Che-Wei Lu, Ching-Ming Kao, Ssu-Ching
    Chen (2021). The cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of single and combined fenthion
    and terbufos treatments in human liver cells and zebrafish embryos. Science of
    the Total Environment. (SCI). 本人為通訊作者.

  7. Heng-Dao Lin, Chao-Ling Yao, Wei-Jen Ou, Yueh-Hsia Luo, Ssu Ching Chen
    (2020, Nov). 4-Aminobiphenyl suppresses homologous recombination repair by
    a reactive oxygen species-dependent p53/miR-513a-5p/p53 loop. Toxicology,
    444:152580. (SCI). 本人為通訊作者.

  8. Lin, H.-D., Wang, F.-Z., Lee, C.-Y., Nien, C.-Y., Tseng, Y.-K., Yao, C.-L., Chen,
    S.C. (2020, May). 4-Aminobiphenyl inhibits the DNA homologous
    recombination repair in human liver cells: The role of miR-630 in
    downregulating RAD18 and MCM8 . Toxicology, 440:152441. (SCI). 本人為通

  9. Lin, W.-H., Chen, S.-C., Chien, C.-C., Tsang, D.C.W., Lo, K.-H., Kao, C.-M.
    (2020, May). Application of enhanced bioreduction for hexavalent chromiumpolluted
    groundwater cleanup: Microcosm and microbial diversity studies .
    Environment Research, 184.109296. (SCI).

  10. Lo KH, Lu CW, Lin WH, Chien CC, Chen SC, Kao CM. (2020, Jan). Enhanced
    reductive dechlorination of trichloroethene with immobilized Clostridium
    butyricum in silica gel.. Chemosphere, 238:124596. (SCI). 本人為通訊作者.

  11. Luo SG, Chen SC, Cao WZ, Lin WH, Sheu YT, Kao CM (2019, Dec).
    Application of γ-PGA as the primary carbon source to bioremediate a TCEpolluted
    aquifer: A pilot-scale study.. Chemosphere, ;237:124449. (SCI). 本人為

  12. Hseu YC, Huang YC, Thiyagarajan V, Mathew DC, Lin KY, Chen SC, Liu JY,
    Hsu LS, Li ML, Yang HL (2019, May). Anticancer activities of chalcone
    flavokawain B from Alpinia pricei Hayata in human lung adenocarcinoma
    (A549) cells via induction of reactive oxygen species-mediated apoptotic and
    autophagic cell death.. Journal of Cellular Physiology, 234(10):17514-17526.

  13. Kao CM, Ou WJ, Lin HD, Eva AW, Wang TL, Chen SC (2019, May). Toxicity of
    diuron in HepG2 cells and zebrafish embryos.. Ecotoxicology and
    Environmental Safety, 15;172:432-438. (SCI). 本人為通訊作者.

  14. Lin IY, Chiou YS, Wu LC, Tsai CY, Chen CT, Chuang WC, Lee MC, Lin CC,
    Lin TT, Chen SC, Pan MH, Ma N. (2019, Jan). CCM111 prevents hepatic
    fibrosis via cooperative inhibition of TGF-β, Wnt and STAT3 signaling
    pathways.. Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, 27(1):184-194.. (SCI).

  15. Lin, H.-D., Hsu, L.-S., Chien, C.-C., Chen, S.-C (2018, May). Proteomic analysis
    of ametryn toxicity in zebrafish embryos. Environmental Toxicology, 33(5):579-
    586. (SCI). 本人為通訊作者.

  16. Chen SC, Lin WH, Chien CC, Tsang DCW, Kao CM (2018, Jan). Development
    of a two-stage biotransformation system for mercury-contaminated soil
    remediation. Chemosphere, 200:266-273. (SCI). 本人為第一作者.

  17. Liao HY, Chien CC, Tang P, Chen CC, Chen CY, Chen SC (2018, Jan). The
    integrated analysis of transcriptome and proteome for exploring the
    biodegradation mechanism of 2, 4, 6-trinitrotoluene by Citrobacter sp. Journal of
    Hazardous Materials, 349:79-90. (SCI). 本人為通訊作者.

  18. Kao CM, Wei SF, Chen SC, Yao CL, Ma C, Chien CC (2017, Sep).
    Biotransformation of trinitrotoluene by Citrobacter sp. YC4 and evaluation of its
    cyto-toxicological effects. FEMS Micorbiology Letter, 365:1-6. (SCI).

  19. Liao HY, Kao CM, Yao CL, Chiu PW, Yao CC, Chen SC. (2017, Aug). 2,4,6-
    Trinitrotoluene Induces apoptosis via ROS-egulated Mitochondrial Dysfunction
    and Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in HepG2 and Hep3B Cells.. Scientific
    Reports, 7:8148.. (SCI). 本人為通訊作者.

  20. Hseu YC, Hsu TW, Lin HD, Chen CH, Chen SC. (2017, May). Molecular
    mechanisms of discrotophos-induced toxicity in HepG2 cells: The role of CSA in
    oxidative stress.. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 103:253-260. (SCI). 本人為通

  21. Sheu YT, Chen SC, Sung WP, Chen TY, Lien PJ, and Kao CM. (2017, Mar).
    Bioremediation of OCDF-contaminated soils by a novel bacterial strain. .
    Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 15(3), 713-723. (SCI).

  22. Chueh TC, Hsu LS, Kao CM, Hsu TW, Liao HY, Wang KY, Chen SC (2017,
    Feb). Transcriptome analysis of zebrafish embryos exposed to deltamethrin.
    Environmental Toxicology, May;32(5):1548-1557. (Accepted). (SCI). 本人為通

  23. Bin-Hao Chiou, Li-Sung Hsub,, Tung-Wei Hsu, Chien-Chia Wang,Ssu Ching
    Chen (2017, Jan). The regulation of transcriptome responses in zebrafish embryo
    exposure to triadimefon . . (SCI). 本人為通訊作者.

  24. Lian SH, Hsu DY, Lin CY, Kao CM, Huang DJ, Chien CC; Chen CC, Tsai IJ, Chen CC. Enhancement of microbial 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene transformation with increased toxicity by exogenous nutrient amendment. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2017 138:39-46.
  25. Liao HY, Luo KH, Chen SC. Molecular mechanisms of mercury resistant and removal in Pseudomonas sp. Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment. 2016 21:16-24.
  26. Wang HM, Yang HL, Thiyagarajan V, Huang TH, Huang PJ, Chen SC, Liu JY, Hsu LS, Chang HW, Hseu YC. Coenzyme Q0 Enhances Ultraviolet B-Induced Apoptosis in Human Estrogen Receptor-Positive Breast (MCF-7) Cancer Cells. Integr Cancer Ther. 2017: 16: 385-396.
  27. Wang SY, Chen SC, Lin YC, Kuo YC, Chen JY, Kao CM. Acidification and sulfide formation control during reductive dechlorination of 1,2-dichloroethane in groundwater: Effectiveness and mechanistic study. Chemosphere 2016 160: 216-229
  28. Kao CM, Lin BH, Chen SC, Wei SF, Chen CC, Yao CL, Chien CC. Biodegradation of trinitrotoluene (TNT) by indigenous microorganisms from TNT contaminated soil, and their application in TNT bioremediation. Bioremediation Journal 2016. 20.
  29. CM Kao, HY Liao, CC Chien, YK Tseng, P Tang, C-E Lin and SC Chen. The change of microbial community from chlorinated solvent-contaminated groundwater after biostimulation using the metagenome analysis. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2016. 302:144-150.
  30. HL Yang, M Korivi, SW Lin, SC Chen, CW Chou, and You-Cheng Hseu. Anti-angiogenic Properties of Coenzyme Q0 through Downregulation of MMP-9/NF-κB and Upregulation of HO-1 Signaling in TNF-α-activated Human Endothelial Cells. Biochemical Pharmacology, 2015. 98:144-156
  31. Chen LC, Chueh TC, Tuan YF, Chen CC, Chien CC, Lee HY, Chen SC. Activation of MAPK pathways and downstream transcription factors in 2-aminobiphenyl-induced apoptosis. Environmental Toxicology. 2015 30 :205-211
  32. Sheu YT, Chen SC, Chien CC, Chen CC, Kao CM. Application of a long-lasting colloidal substrate with pH and hydrogen sulfide control capabilities to remediate TCE-contaminated groundwater. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2015;284:222-32.
  33. Onn LC, Chen SC, Lian TY, Foon LV, Chew Hee N, Moi CS. 4-chloro-1,2-phenylenediamine induces apoptosis in Mardin-Darby canine kidney cells via activation ofcaspases. Environ Toxicol. 2014 ;29:655-664.
  34. Yang HL, Huang PJ, Chen SC, Cho HJ, Kumar KJ, Lu FJ, Chen CS. Induction of macrophage cell-cycle arrest and apoptosis by humic acid. Environmental and molecular mutagenesis. 2014;55(9):741-50.
  35. Huan LC, Wu JC, Chiou BH, Chen CH, Ma N, Chang CY, Tsen YK, Chen SC. MicroRNA regulation of DNA repair gene expression in 4-aminobiphenyl-treated HepG2 cells. Toxicology. 2014;322:69-77.
  36. Hseu YC, Sung JC, Shieh BS, Chen SC. Burkholderia pseudomallei infection induces the expression of apoptosis-related genes and proteins in mouse macrophages. Journal of microbiology, immunology, and infection 2014;47(5):394-8.
  37. Chien CC, Kao CM, Chen DY, Chen SC, Chen CC. Biotransformation of trinitrotoluene (TNT) by Pseudomonas spp. isolated from a TNT-contaminated environment. Environmental toxicology and chemistry / SETAC. 2014;33(5):1059-63.
  38. Chen LC, Wu JC, Tuan YF, Tseng YK, Hseu YC, Chen SC. Molecular mechanisms of 3,3'-dichlorobenzidine-mediated toxicity in HepG2 cells. Environmental and molecular mutagenesis. 2014;55(5):407-20.
  39. Chye SM, Tiong YL, Yip WK, Koh RY, Len YW, Seow HF, Ng RY, Ranjit DA, Chen SC. Apoptosis induced by para-phenylenediamine involves formation of ROS and activation of p38 and JNK in chang liver cells. Environmental toxicology. 2014;29(9):981-90.
  40. Yang HL, Lin KY, Juan YC, Kumar KJ, Way TD, Shen PC, Chen SC, Hseu YC. The anti-cancer activity of Antrodia camphorata against human ovarian carcinoma (SKOV-3) cells via modulation of HER-2/neu signaling pathway. Journal of ethnopharmacology. 2013;148(1):254-65.
  41. Kumar KJ, Yang HL, Tsai YC, Hung PC, Chang SH, Lo HW, Shen PC, Chen SC, Wang HM, Wang SY, Chou CW, Hseu YC. Lucidone protects human skin keratinocytes against free radical-induced oxidative damage and inflammation through the up-regulation of HO-1/Nrf2 antioxidant genes and down-regulation of NF-kappaB signaling pathway. Food and chemical toxicology. 2013;59:55-66.
  42. Chen YL, Lin YC, Chen YS, Chen SC, Liu YM, Tseng IL, Chiang CS, Lin HH, Mu JJ. Characterisation of predominant molecular patterns of Burkholderia pseudomallei in Taiwan. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 2013;107(3):165-9.
  43. Yang HL, Chen SC, Senthil Kumar KJ, Yu KN, Lee Chao PD, Tsai SY, Hou YC, Hseu YC. Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory potential of hesperetin metabolites obtained from hesperetin-administered rat serum: an ex vivo approach. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry. 2012;60(1):522-32.
  44. Wu JC, Chye SM, Shih MK, Chen CH, Yang HL, Chen SC. Genotoxicity of dicrotophos, an organophosphorous pesticide, assessed with different assays in vitro. Environmental toxicology. 2012;27(5):307-15.
  45. Lin E, Lin WH, Wang SY, Chen CS, Liao JW, Chang HW, Chen SC, Lin KY, Wang L, Yanh HL, Hseu YC. Flavokawain B inhibits growth of human squamous carcinoma cells: Involvement of apoptosis and cell cycle dysregulation in vitro and in vivo. The Journal of nutritional biochemistry. 2012;23(4):368-78.
  46. Lee CC, Yang HL, Way TD, Kumar KJ, Juan YC, Cho HJ, Lin, KY, Hseu LS, Chen SC. Inhibition of Cell Growth and Induction of Apoptosis by Antrodia camphorata in HER-2/neu-Overexpressing Breast Cancer Cells through the Induction of ROS, Depletion of HER-2/neu, and Disruption of the PI3K/Akt Signaling Pathway. Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM. 2012:702857.
  47. Hseu YC, Chou CW, Senthil Kumar KJ, Fu KT, Wang HM, Hsu LS, Kuo YH, Wu CR, ChenCC. Ellagic acid protects human keratinocyte (HaCaT) cells against UVA-induced oxidative stress and apoptosis through the upregulation of the HO-1 and Nrf-2 antioxidant genes. Food and chemical toxicology. 2012;50(5):1245-55.
  48. Chen LC, Chen JC, Shu JC, Chen CY, Chen SC, Chen SH, Lin CY, Lu CY, Chen CC. Interplay of RsbM and RsbK controls the sigma(B) activity of Bacillus cereus. Environmental microbiology. 2012;14(10):2788-99.
  49. Chen CC, Cheng YY, Chen SC, Tuan YF, Chen YJ, Chen CY, Chen LC. Cyclooxygenase-2 expression is up-regulated by 2-aminobiphenyl in a ROS and MAPK-dependent signaling pathway in a bladder cancer cell line. Chemical research in toxicology. 2012;25(3):695-705.
  50. Yang HL, Kuo YH, Tsai CT, Huang YT, Chen SC, Chang HW, et al. Anti-metastatic activities of Antrodia camphorata against human breast cancer cells mediated through suppression of the MAPK signaling pathway. Food and chemical toxicology 2011;49(1):290-8.
  51. Yang HL, Chen SC, Lin KY, Wang MT, Chen YC, Huang HC, Cho HJ, Wang L, Kumar KJ, Hseu YC. Antioxidant activities of aqueous leaf extracts of Toona sinensis on free radical-induced endothelial cell damage. Journal of ethnopharmacology. 2011;137(1):669-80.
  52. Wu JC, Hseu YC, Tsai JS, Chen LC, Chye SM, Chen CH, Chen SC. Fenthion and terbufos induce DNA damage, the expression of tumor-related genes, and apoptosis in HEPG2 cells. Environmental and molecular mutagenesis. 2011;52(7):529-37.
  53. Liang S-H, Chen S-C, Chen C-Y, Kao C-M, Yang J-I, Shieh B-S, Hong j, Chen CC. Cadmium-induced earthworm metallothionein-2 is associated with metal accumulation and counteracts oxidative stress. Pedobiologia. 2011;54(5-6):333-40.
  54. Hseu YC, Chen SC, Lin WH, Hung DZ, Lin MK, Kuo YH, Wang MT, Cho HJ, Wang L, Yang KL. Toona sinensis (leaf extracts) inhibit vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-induced angiogenesis in vascular endothelial cells. Journal of ethnopharmacology. 2011;134(1):111-21.
  55. Chen SC, Hseu YC, Sung JC, Chen CH, Chen LC, Chung KT. Induction of DNA damage signaling genes in benzidine-treated HepG2 cells. Environmental and molecular mutagenesis. 2011;52(8):664-72.
  56. Chen WJ, Tang P, Hseu YC, Chen CC, Huang KY, Chen SC. A proteome analysis of the tetracyanonickelate (II) responses in Klebsiella oxytoca. Environmental microbiology reports. 2011;3(1):106-11.
  57. Chen SC, Chen CS, Zhan KV, Yang KH, Chien CC, Shieh BS, Chen WM. Biodegradation of methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) by Enterobacter sp. NKNU02. Journal of hazardous materials. 2011;186(2-3):1744-50.
  58. Tang P, Hseu YC, Chou HH, Huang KY, Chen SC. Proteomic analysis of the effect of cyanide on Klebsiella oxytoca. Current microbiology. 2010;60(3):224-8.
  59. Kao CM, Chen CS, Tsa FY, Yang KH, Chien CC, Liang SH, Yang CA, Chen SC. Application of real-time PCR, DGGE fingerprinting, and culture-based method to evaluate the effectiveness of intrinsic bioremediation on the control of petroleum-hydrocarbon plume. Journal of hazardous materials. 2010;178(1-3):409-16.
  60. Chen SC, Chen CH, Tioh YL, Zhong PY, Lin YS, Chye SM. Para-phenylenediamine induced DNA damage and apoptosis through oxidative stress and enhanced caspase-8 and -9 activities in Mardin-Darby canine kidney cells. Toxicology in vitro 2010;24(4):1197-202.
  61. Chen CY, Chen SC, Fingas M, Kao CM. Biodegradation of propionitrile by Klebsiella oxytoca immobilized in alginate and cellulose triacetate gel. Journal of hazardous materials. 2010;177(1-3):856-63.
  62. Wu JC, Hseu YC, Chen CH, Wang SH, Chen SC. Comparative investigations of genotoxic activity of five nitriles in the comet assay and the Ames test. Journal of hazardous materials. 2009;169(1-3):492-7.
  63. Wang SW, Chen CY, Tseng JT, Liang SH, Chen SC, Hsieh C, Chen YH, Chen CC. orf4 of the Bacillus cereus sigB gene cluster encodes a general stress-inducible Dps-like bacterioferritin. Journal of bacteriology. 2009;191(14):4522-33.
  64. Liang SH, Chen MH, Chen CC, Chen CS, Chen JH, Chen SC. Impact of cadmium on the bacterial communities in the gut of Metaphire posthuma. Journal of hazardous materials. 2009;172(2-3):1212-7.
  65. Hseu YC, Lin E, Chen JY, Liua YR, Huang CY, Lu FJ, Liao JW, Chen SC, Yang HL. Humic acid induces G1 phase arrest and apoptosis in cultured vascular smooth muscle cells. Environmental toxicology. 2009;24(3):243-58.
  66. Chen CY, Kao CM, Chen SC, Chen TY. Biodegradation of tetracyanonickelate by Klebsiella oxytoca under anaerobic conditions. Desalination. 2009;249(3):1212-6.
  67. Kao CM, Chen CY, Chen SC, Chien HY, Chen YL. Application of in situ biosparging to remediate a petroleum-hydrocarbon spill site: field and microbial evaluation. Chemosphere. 2008;70(8):1492-9.
  68. Hseu YC, Chen SC, Yech YJ, Wang L, Yang HL. Antioxidant activity of Antrodia camphorata on free radical-induced endothelial cell damage. Journal of ethnopharmacology. 2008;118(2):237-45.
  69. Hseu YC, Chen SC, Chen YL, Chen JY, Lee ML, Lu FJ, Wu FY, Lai JS, Yang HL. Humic acid induced genotoxicity in human peripheral blood lymphocytes using comet and sister chromatid exchange assay. Journal of hazardous materials. 2008;153(1-2):784-91.
  70. Hseu YC, Chen SC, Chen HC, Liao JW, Yang HL. Antrodia camphorata inhibits proliferation of human breast cancer cells in vitro and in vivo. Food and chemical toxicology  2008;46(8):2680-8.
  71. Chye SM, Hseu YC, Liang SH, Chen CH, Chen SC. Single strand dna breaks in human lymphocytes exposed to para-phenylenediamine and its derivatives. Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology. 2008;80(1):58-62.
  72. Chen CY, Kao CM, Chen SC. Application of Klebsiella oxytoca immobilized cells on the treatment of cyanide wastewater. Chemosphere. 2008;71(1):133-9.
  73. Chen CS, Hseu YC, Liang SH, Kuo JY, Chen SC. Assessment of genotoxicity of methyl-tert-butyl ether, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene to human lymphocytes using comet assay. Journal of hazardous materials. 2008;153(1-2):351-6.
  74. Liu jK, Chou SM, Hor LI, Chen WJ, Chen SC. A proteomic analysis of Klebsiella oxytoca after exposure to succinonitrile. Process Biochemistry. 2008;43:753-7.
  75. Kao CM, Hseu YC, Huang YL, Tang P, Chen SC. Inhibition of cyanide-insensitive respiration in Klebsiella oxytoca SYSU-011 by 8-hydroxyquinolone. Current microbiology. 2007;54(3):190-4.
  76. Hseu YC, Chen SC, Tsai PC, Chen CS, Lu FJ, Chang NW, Yang HL. Inhibition of cyclooxygenase-2 and induction of apoptosis in estrogen-nonresponsive breast cancer cells by Antrodia camphorata. Food and chemical toxicology : 2007;45(7):1107-15.
  77. Chen YL, Chen YS, Lin HH, Chan CW, Chen SC, Chen CH. Immunostimulatory flagellin from Burkholderia pseudomallei effects on an increase in the intracellular calcium concentration and up-regulation of TNF-alpha by mononuclear cells. Microbiology and immunology. 2007;51(1):81-6.
  78. Chen CY, Kao CM, Chen SC, Chien HY, Lin CE. Application of immobilized cells to the treatment of cyanide wastewater. Water science and technology 2007;56(7):99-107.
  79. Chen CH, Liu TZ, Chen CH, Wong CH, Chen CH, Lu FJ, Chen SC. The efficacy of protective effects of tannic acid, gallic acid, ellagic acid, and propyl gallate against hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative stress and DNA damages in IMR-90 cells. Molecular nutrition & food research. 2007;51(8):962-8.
  80. Yu WL, Chen SC, Hung SW, Chuang YC, Chung JG, Chen IC, Wu LT. Genetic association of blaSHV-5 with transposable elements IS26 and IS5 in Klebsiella pneumoniae from Taiwan. Clinical microbiology and infection 2006;12(8):806-9.
  81. Yang HL, Chen SC, Chang NW, Chang JM, Lee ML, Tsai PC, Fu HH, Kao WW, Chiang HC, Wang HH, Hseu YC. Protection from oxidative damage using Bidens pilosa extracts in normal human erythrocytes. Food and chemical toxicology  2006;44(9):1513-21.
  82. Wu CC, Lin JP, Yang JS, Chou ST, Chen SC, Lin YT, Chung JG. Capsaicin induced cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in human esophagus epidermoid carcinoma CE 81T/VGH cells through the elevation of intracellular reactive oxygen species and Ca2+ productions and caspase-3 activation. Mutation research. 2006;601(1-2):71-82.
  83. Wang SC, Chung JG, Chen CH, Chen SC. 2- and 4-Aminobiphenyls induce oxidative DNA damage in human hepatoma (Hep G2) cells via different mechanisms. Mutation research. 2006;593(1-2):9-21.
  84. Tsou MF, Lu HF, Chen SC, Wu LT, Chen YS, Kuo HM, Lin SS, Chung JG. Involvement of Bax, Bcl-2, Ca2+ and caspase-3 in capsaicin-induced apoptosis of human leukemia HL-60 cells. Anticancer Res. 2006;26(3a):1965-71.
  85. Lu HF, Hsueh SC, Yu FS, Yang JS, Tang NY, Chen SC, Chung JG. The role of Ca2+ in (-)-menthol-induced human promyelocytic leukemia HL-60 cell death. In Vivo. 2006;20(1):69-75.
  86. Kao CM, Chen KF, Liu JK, Chou SM, Chen SC. Enzymatic degradation of nitriles by Klebsiella oxytoca. Applied microbiology and biotechnology. 2006;71(2):228-33.
  87. Chung KT, Chen SC, Claxton LD. Review of the Salmonella typhimurium m utagenicity of benzidine, benzidine analogues, and benzidine-based dyes. Mutation research. 2006;612(1):58-76.
  88. Chen YS, Hsiao YS, Lin HH, Yen CM, Chen SC, Chen YL. Immunogenicity and anti-Burkholderia pseudomallei activity in Balb/c mice immunized with plasmid DNA encoding flagellin. Vaccine. 2006;24(6):750-8.
  89. Chen SC, Lin CS, Liang SH, Chuang JY. Detection of gentoxicity of benzidine and its derivatives with the Escherichia coli DJ 702 lacZ reversion mutagenicity assay. Letters in applied microbiology. 2006;43(1):22-6.
  90. Chen SC, Chen CH, Chern CL, Hsu LS, Huang YC, Chung KT, Chye SM. p-Phenylenediamine induces p53-mediated apoptosis in Mardin-Darby canine kidney cells. Toxicology in vitro 2006;20(6):801-7.
  91. Yu FS, Yu CS, Lin JP, Chen SC, Lai WW, Chung JG. Diallyl disulfide inhibits N-acetyltransferase activity and gene expression in human esophagus epidermoid carcinoma CE 81T/VGH cells. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 2005;43(7):1029-36.
  92. Kao CM, Liu JK, Chen YL, Chai CT, Chen SC. Factors affecting the biodegradation of PCP by Pseudomonas mendocina NSYSU. Journal of hazardous materials. 2005;124(1-3):68-73.
  93. Kao CM, Li SH, Chen YL, Chen SC. Utilization of the metal-cyano complex tetracyanonickelate (II) by Azotobacter vinelandii. Letters in applied microbiology. 2005;41(2):216-20.
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