



  • 發佈日期: 2019-08-28
  • 最後更新日: 2023-05-11
  • 資料來源:
  • 瀏覽人次:7531

劉阜果 博士

  • 職稱: 副教授
  • 學歷: 美國佛羅里達大學
  • 專長: 生態學、生物地理演化、基因調控
  • 信箱: liur@cc.ncu.edu.tw
  • 分機: 65053、65056
  • 現  職:
  1. 國立中央大學 生命科學系 副教授 (2008~present)
  • 學  歷:
  1. 美國佛羅里達大學 動物學 博士 (1997~2005)
  2. 中國文化大學 生物學 學士 (1998~1991)
  • 經  歷:
  1. 國立中央大學 生命科學系 副教授 (2008~present)
  2. 美國芝加哥大學生態與演化系 博士後 (2005~2008)

  • 授  課
    1. 書報討論
    2. 生態學
    3. 遺傳學
    1. 專題研究:台灣與東亞之生物地理親緣關係
    2. 專題研究:酵母菌的基因調節
    3. 分子演化及親源演化關係
  • 研究領域
    Biogeography, bioinformatics, hypermethylation in cancer, conservation genetics, evolution, gene regulation, molecular ecology, phylogenetics, population genetics and systematics.
    Gene regulation is one of the research cores for this century. After the accomplishments of human and chimpanzee complete genome sequences, because of a very low variation between these two sister-taxa, scientists were induced to consider gene regulation as a key in human speciation; maybe in other taxa as well. To uncover the mechanisms of gene regulation is not an easy task. Fortunately, yeast, a single cell eukaryote organism, has become a good study model to insight the mystery of gene regulations. To apply these in natural populations also attracts my attention.
    Biogeographic and phylogenetic analyses are the knowledge and tools to study evolution in nature. I would like to apply these on different taxa to synthesize how evolutionary events have driven the evolution of organisms’ distribution patterns, population structures, and speciation on global or local scales. The East and Southeast Asia encompasses one of the most actively geographical histories on earth with extremely high biodiversities. Conservation issues are highly emphasized and valued there. However, we are still limited in organism information from these areas. I plan to contribute my effort in biogeography in these regions, particularly including my home country of Taiwan.
    Aberrant hypermethylation cancer has its highly positive correlation to the carcinogenesis. It is still unclear their cause-result relationship. However, evidence shows that aberrant hypermethylation appears at a very early stage of carcinogenesis. Also, we often see it happen to tumor suppressor genes. Therefore, it may become an ideal biomarker for carcinogenesis. On the other hand, it might have the potential to become a target for cancer therapies. Traditionally, methylation analysis uses “methylation specific primers” to detect the sample whether methylated or not. Here, we use Pyrosequencing to detect the level (percentage) of the methylation in each sample. Hopefully, we may have a deep insight to answer more biological questions about aberrant hypermethylation cancers.



  1. Bagus Priambodo, Fu-Guo Robert Liu, Nia Kurniawan1Transoceanic Disperse of the White-lipped Island Pit Viper (Cryptelytrops insularis; Kramer, 1997) from Sundaland to Lesser Sunda, IndonesiaJ.Exp. Life Sci. Vol. 9 No. 1, 2019

  2. Jia-Sian Lin, Fu-Guo Robert LiuThe complete mitochondrial genome of Microhyla fissipes (Amphidia, Anura, Microhylidae) from Taiwan. Mitochondrial DNA Part B, Volume 2, 2017 - Issue 2 2(2): 930-931

  3. Huang T.-T., F.-G. Liu, C.-F. Wei, C.-C. Lu, C.-C. Chen, H.-C. Lin, D.M. Ojcius, H.-C. Lai.  2011. Activation of Multiple Apoptotic Pathways in Human Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Cells by the Prenylated Isoflavone, Osajin. PLoS ONE 6: e18308. [Corresponding author.][SCI]

  4. Huang, T.-T., H.-C. Lin, C.-C. Chen, C.-C. Lu, C.-F. Wei, T.-S. Wu, F.-G. R. Liu and H.-C. Lai.  2011.   Resveratrol induces apoptosis of human nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells via activation of multiple apoptotic pathways.  J. Cell. Physiol. 226: 720-728. [Corresponding author.][SCI]
  5. Lin, Y.-S., F.-G. R. Liu, T.-Y. Wang, C.-T. Pan, W.-T. Chang, W.-H. Li.  2011. A simple method using PyrosequencingTM to identify de novo SNPs in pooled DNA samples.  Nucl. Acids Res. 39: e28 [SCI]
  6. Chang, Y.-W., F.-G. R. Liu, N. Yu, H.-M. Sung, P. Yang, D. Wang, C.-J. Huang, M.-C. Shih, and W.-H. Li. 2008. Roles of cis- and trans-changes in the regulatory evolution of genes in the gluconeogenic pathway in yeast.? Mol. Biol. Evol. 25: 1863-1875. [Equal contribution as the first author.]
  7. Liu, F.-G. R., P. E. Moler, and M. M. Miyamoto. 2006. Phylogeography of the Salamanders, Genus Pseudobranchus, and other Endemic Groups in the Southeastern United States. Mol. Phyl. Evol. 39: 149-159.
  8. Beck, R. M. D., O. R. P. Bininda-Emonds, M. Cardillo, F.-G. R. Liu, A. Purvis. 2006. A higher-level MRP supertree of placental mammals. BMC Evol. Biol. 6: 93-106.
  9. Liu, F.-G. R. 2005. Phylogeography, Evolution, and Population genetics of the Salamander in the Genus Pseudobranchus, from the Southeastern United States. PhD. Dissertation, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
  10. Liu, F.-G. R., P. E. Moler, H. P. Whidden, and M. M. Miyamoto. 2004. Allozyme Variation in the Salamander Genus Pseudobranchus: Phylogeographic and Taxonomic Significance. Copeia 2004: 136-144.
  11. Liu, F.-G. R. and M. M. Miyamoto. 2003. Morphological phylogeny tree in “The Rise of Mammals” National Geographic April 2003: 14.
  12. Liu, F.-G. R., M. M. Miyamoto, N. P. Freire, P. Q. Ong, M. R. Tennant, T. S. Young, and K. F. Gugel. 2001. Molecular and Morphological Supertrees for Eutherian (Placental) Mammals. Science 291: 1786-1789.
  13. Liu, F.-G. R. and M. M. Miyamoto. 1999. Phylogenetic Assessment of Molecular and Morphological Data for Eutherian Mammals. Syst. Biol. 48: 54-64.


  • 台灣兩棲爬蟲動物協會

  • 碩士班學生:徐詩涵、吳靜融、朱芳琪、陳倍旋、黃瑋琪、張仲瑩

外籍博士班學生 Foreign PhD student

Name Country of Citizenship E-mail
WANPHRUEK THIAMDAET Thailand wan0743077@hotmail.com

外籍碩士班學生 Foreign  Master student

Name Country of Citizenship E-mail
范阮海詩 Pham Nguyen Hai Tho Vietnam phamnguyen.haitho@gmail.com
