



  • 發佈日期: 2019-08-28
  • 最後更新日: 2024-02-21
  • 資料來源:
  • 瀏覽人次:13177

黃佳瑜 博士

  • 職稱: 副教授
  • 學歷: 美國德克薩斯州A&M大學 生物醫學科學博士
  • 專長: 神經化學、神經生理學、神經解剖學
  • 信箱: chuang@ncu.edu.tw
  • 分機: 65084、65064
  • 現  職:
  1. 國立中央大學 生命科學系 副教授 (2023~present)
  • 學  歷:
  1. 美國德克薩斯州A&M大學 生物醫學科系 博士 (2009~2014)
  2. 台北輔仁大學 生命科學系 學士 (2005~2009)
  • 經  歷:
  1. 國立中央大學 生命科學系 副教授 (2023~present)
  2. 國立中央大學 生命科學系 助理教授 (2018~2023)
  3. 哈佛醫學院精神病學系/麥克萊恩醫院  研究員 (2016~2018)
  4. 德克蕯斯州A&M健康科學中心神經科學和實驗治療學系 博士後研究員 (2014~2015)
  5. 德古薩斯州A&M大學綜合生物科學獸醫系 助教 (2012~2014)
  6. 德克蕯斯州A&M大學綜合生物科學獸醫學系 研究生助理研究員 (2009~2012)
  7. 輔仁大學醫學院 電生理學/藥理學 研究助理 (2006~2008)

  • 授  課
    1. 動物生理學
    1. 細胞分子學
    2. 生物技術
    3. 神經生物學
    4. 神經疾病與機制特論

  • 研究領域

期  刊

  1. Lee, C-W, Hsu, L-F, Wu, Y-L, Wang, Y-L, Chen, W-H, Liu, Y-J, Yang, L-T, , Tan, C-L, Luo, Y-H, Wang, C-C, Chiu, H-W, Yang, T C-K, Lin Y-Y, Chang, H-A, Chiang, Y-C, Chen, C-H, Lee, M-H, Peng, K-T, Huang, CCY (2022) Exposure to polystyrene microplastics impairs hippocampus-dependent learning and memory in mice. Journal of Hazardous Materials 430:128431
  2. Wang, Y-L, Lee., Y-H, Hsu, Y-H, Chiu, I-J, Huang, CCY, Huang, C-C, Chia, Z-C, Lee C-P, Lin, Y-F, Chiu, H-W (2021) The kidney-related effects of polystyrene microplastics on human kidney proximal tubular epithelial cells HK-2 and male C57BL/6 mice. Environmental Health Perspectives  129(5):57003.
  3. Chang CC, Huang CCY, Chung YA, Im JJ, Lin YY, Ma CC, Tzeng NS, Chang HA*. Online Left-Hemispheric In-Phase Frontoparietal Theta tACSfor the Treatment of Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenia.(2021) J. Pers.Med. 2021, 11, 1114. (* corresponding author)
  4. Lin, Y.Y., Chang, C-C, Huang, CCY, Tzeng, N-S, Kao, Y-C, Chang, H-A (2020) Efficacy and neurophysiological predictors of treatment response of adjunct bifrontal transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in treating unipolar and bipolar depression. Journal of Affective disorders.  280 (A): 295-304.
  5. Balu DT, Pantazopoulos H, Huang CCY, Muszynski K, Harvey TL, Uno Y, Rorabaugh JM, Galloway CR, Botz-Zapp C, Berretta S, Weinshenker D, Coyle JT  “Neurotoxic astrocytes express the D-serine synthesizing enzyme, serine racemase, in Alzheimer's disease.” Neurobiology of Disease 15 Jun 2019, 130:104511

  6. Cathy C. Y. Huang, Kevin J. Muszynski, Vadim Y. Bolshakov, “Deletion of Dtnbp1 in mice impairs threat memory consolidation and is associated with enhanced inhibitory drive in the amygdala.” 9, Article number: 132 (2019)

  7. Huang, C.C.Y.,Muszynski K, Bolshakov V, Balu DT (2018) Deletion of the schizophrenia susceptibility gene, DTNBP1in mice alters amygdala neuroplasticity. (Under review).
  8. Ma T*, Cheng Y*, Roltch E, Wang X, Lu J, Gao X, Huang, C.C.Y., Wei X, Ji J Wang J (2018) Bidirectional and long-lasting control of alcohol-seeking behavior by corticostriatal LTP and LTD. Nature Neuroscience (accepted)
  9. Balu DT, Presti KT, Huang, C.C.Y., Muszynski K, Radzishevsky I, Wolosker H, Guffanti G, Ressler KJ, Coyle JT. (2018) Serine Racemase and D-serine in the Amygdala Are Dynamically Involved in Fear Learning. Biol Psychiatry 83(3):273-283.
  10. Huang, C.C.Y.*, Ma T*, Roltch E*, Wang X, Lu J, Wang J. (2017) Stroke Triggers Nigrostriatal Plasticity and Increases Alcohol Consumption in Rats. Scientific Reports (* equal contribution)
  11. Wei X*, Ma T*, Cheng Y, Huang, C.C.Y., Wang X, Lu J, Wang J. (2017) Dopamine D1 or D2 receptor-expressing neurons in the central nervous system. Addiction Biology (* equal contribution)
  12. Cheng Y*, Huang, C.C.Y.*, Ma T*, Wei X, Wang X, Lu J, Wang J. (2017) Distinct Synaptic Strengthening of the Striatal Direct and Indirect Pathways Drives Alcohol Consumption. Biol Psychiatry 81(11):918-929 (* equal contribution)(On the COVER of the issue)
  13. Huang, C.C.Y., Shi L., Lin C.H., Kim A.J., KO, M.L., Ko G.Y.. (2015) A New Role for AMP-Activated Protein Kinase (AMPK) in the Circadian Regulation of L-Type Voltage-Gated Calcium Channels (L-VGCCs) in Retinal Photoreceptors. Journal of Neurochemistry 135:727-41.
  14. Chang R.C.*, Shi L.*, Huang, C.C.Y., Kim A.J., Ko M.L., Zhou B., Ko G.Y. (2015) High-Fat-Diet Induced Retinal Dysfunction. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 56(4):2367-80 (* equal contribution).
  15. Shi L., Ko M.L., Huang, C.C.Y., Park S.Y., Hong M.P., Wu C., Ko G.Y.. (2014) Chicken Embryos as a Potential New Model for Early Onset Type I Diabetes. Journal of Diabetes Research vol. 2014, Article ID 354094.
  16. Huang, C.C.Y., Ko M.L., Ko G.Y.. (2013) A new functional role for mechanistic/mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) in the circadian regulation of L-type voltage- gated calcium channels in avian cone photoreceptors. PLoS ONE 8(8): e73315. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0073315.
  17. Ko, M.L., Shi, L., Huang, C.C.Y., Grushin K., Park S.Y., Ko G.Y.. (2013) Circadian phase-dependent effect of nitric oxide on L-type voltage-gated calcium channels in avian cone photoreceptors. Journal of Neurochemistry 127:314-28
  18. Huang, C.C.Y., Ko M.L., Vernikovskaya D.I., Ko G.Y.. (2012) Calcineurin serves in the circadian output pathway to regulate the daily rhythm of L-type voltage-gated calcium channels in the retina. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 113:911–922.
  19. Hung K.L., Wang C.C., Huang, C.Y., Wang S.J. (2009) Cyanocobalamin, vitamin B12, depresses glutamate release through inhibition of voltage-dependent Ca2+ influx in rat cerebrocortical nerve terminals (synaptosomes) European Journal of Pharmacology 602:230-237
  20. Wang S.J., Wu W.M., Yang F.L., Wang G.S., Huang, C.C.Y. (2008) Vitamin B2 Inhibits glutamate release from rat cerebrocortical nerve terminals. NeuroReport 19: 1335-1338.



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